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Diet and medical links

There are a large number of diet and health relevant pages - but it is difficult to find authoritative pages. Here are a few that I have found. They are divided into two: foods to favour and fpods to avoid.

Foods to favour

There are a number of foods that have surprising health benefits, so are well worth reading up on and eating!

Foods to avoid

Foods to favour

Food to avoid

Diet and cancer risk

There are many thing said about foods that increase the risk of cancer and fods that reduce the risk. A good review is Nutrition and Cancer: a Review of the evidence for an anti-cancer diet from the Nutrition Journal. Beware though that this is not an unbiased review as the author is employed by the Hallelujah Acres Foundation who have a diet that has been proven harmful. Nevertheless the fact that the data has been used to draw an invalid conclusion does not mean that the data is false.

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